Before you start registering equipment....!
Not all equipment has a unique serial number. Security marking your equipment ensures that it can be identified as yours should it be recovered, and most importantly helps to prevent theft in the first place.
No thanks, I don't want a marking kit
Register all tools & equipment for FREE
Suitable for assets with serial numbers
Free lifetime registration
24/7 Police access in event of loss or theft
Register all tools & equipment
Highly durable, tamper resistant security labels
Labels provide a unique ID for all assets
Suitable for assets with or without serial numbers
Free lifetime registration
24/7 Police access in event of loss or theft
Register all tools & equipment
SelectaDNA Forensic Marking to deter theft
Highly durable, tamper resistant security labels
Labels provide a unique ID for all assets
Suitable for assets with or without serial numbers
Free lifetime registration
24/7 Police access in event of loss or theft
No thanks, I don't want a marking kit